We Specialize In Internal Medicine
- Cholesterol Screening
- Hypertension Screening
- Diabetes Screening
- Colon Cancer Screening
- Prostate Cancer Screening
- Cervical Cancer Screening
- General Physical Exam
- Tuberculosis Screening
- Urine Drug Screening
- Disability Exam
- Workers Compensation
- Travel Immunizations
- Immigration Physicals
- Sports Physicals
- Employment Physicals
- School Physicals
- Minor Trauma
- STD’s
- Sinusitis
- Cold’s
- Ear Infection
- Flu
- Bronchitis
- Pneumonia
- Sprains / Strains
- Laceration
- Pink Eye
- Blood Count
- PT / INR
- Hgb A1C for Diabetes
- Cholesterol Testing
- Strep Throat Testing
- Mono
- H. Pylori
- Urine Analysis
- Fecal Occult Blood Test
- STD Testing
- and More…
OHCC Weight Loss Program
Our experienced and motivated staff assist patients to lose and maintain their weight loss goals under the supervision of the physician. Our weight loss management program uses the most effective FDA approved medications in conjuction with a balanced diet and exercise.
Dr Osafo is a board certified internal medicine physician, who strives to fight the war on obesity in our over weight nation. Dr Osafo believes WELLNESS is the true target to permanent weight loss, so understanding your medical history and medication history is absolutely important to a safe and successful weight loss.
Dr Osafo understands each individual is unique , so he personalizes and tailors the weight loss to each individual.
FDA Approved Medications Used For Weight Loss In Our Office
The Osafo Healthcare Clinic uses proven FDA approved prescription medications for weight loss. Please call us for more information.
Our Approach to Weight Loss
Before Dr Osafo creates your own customized medically monitored weight loss program, you will undergo an in-depth medical evaluation including;
- A complete review of your overall health history
- A complete review of all your medications and supplements
- A complete dietary exercise and activity level
- A complete psychological, social and sleep assessment
- A comprehensive blood work to check for insulin resistance, thyroid function, cholesterol levels and other factors
- An (EKG electro-cardiogram) to check your heart function
- A physical exam to check your overall health
Method of Payment For Weight Loss Program
Since most insurance plans do not cover weight loss we accept cash only at this time. We accept credit card payment also for your convenience.
Your costs include the dispensed medication and the physical from our office. Call to find out about our affordable rates and you will be on your permanent road to success.
Substance Abuse & Addiction Treatment
We are federally licensed and waivered to provide treatments for opioid and substance use disorders. We provide evaluations and prescriptions , typically Suboxone film. Upon entry to our program, you will have instant access to Dr Osafo and his experienced team. He will prescribe the medication designed to help quell your withdrawal symptoms. It is our goal to eliminate the withdrawals , allowing recovery to be your sole focus. We will then work with you to find your best treatment option.
You will also be referred to Remington Recovery at the same site where our experienced and compassionate counseling team will help you achieve a comprehensive and successful treatment outcome through intensive Therapy.
We offer holistic style treatment, acknowledging that everyone has a different story and therefore, requires various forms of treatment. We believe in Mindfulness-Based practices and other ways than just medicine including, massage, yoga, or meditation. Restoring our patients to a healthy and balanced life is our goal, removing the abuse of drugs is just the first step in the process.
Need Help! Please contact us before its too late.